Anti-Germ Surface Spray
When I was a kid we use to dab Hydrogen Peroxide onto a cut or sore, and then I remember watching the dramatic white fizz appear as the germs and bacteria were killed! Since then, medical professionals have worked out that the Hydrogen Peroxide also kills healthy cells in an open wound and therefore delays healing time, so it is now recommended to simply wash wounds with water instead!
Having said this, Hydrogen Peroxide is still a very useful ingredient to have on hand at home. It is a clear liquid that acts as an antiseptic, more powerful than white vinegar that is often used in home made cleaning products. Hydrogen Peroxide is basically a chemical compound which is a combination of water and hydrogen (H202) and is available in various potencies - 3% for household use, 10% for hair bleaching, 35% food grade and 90% industrial.
If you are looking at exploring some non-toxic ways to kill potential germs on surfaces at work or at home, then we recommend the following anti-germ surface spray recipe containing 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (for household use). This can be easily found in your local supermarket alongside the First Aid products.
In high traffic areas, you can use this anti-germ spray to clean away invisible germs on taps, light switches, benches, toys, keyboards, phones, door handles etc etc. The added anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties of the Lemon and Tea Tree essential oils gives this spray extra germ fighting results - and it smells great too!
The Recipe
+ 500ml Spray Bottle
+ 140 drops of Lemon Essential Oil (approx 1-1/2 teaspoon)
+ 70 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (approx 3/4 teaspoon)
+ 200ml Hydrogen Peroxide (look for 3% household)
+ Distilled or Filtered Water
Recipe Variation
As a variation, you could also make this formula with only hydrogen peroxide and remove the water component altogether. It is safe enough to not need to dilute the Hydrogen Peroxide down with water.
+ 200ml or 250ml Spray Bottle
+ 55 drops of Lemon Essential Oil (approx 1-1/2 teaspoon)
+ 25 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (approx 3/4 teaspoon)
+ 200ml Hydrogen Peroxide (look for 3% household)
The Method
Start by carefully measuring out the drops of essential oil into the empty 500ml mist bottle. Pour in the 200ml bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide, then fill the bottle with water to the shoulder leaving some space so you can shake to mix the ingredients. Pop on the trigger spray and give the bottle a good shake to combine the ingredients. Write the date and product name i.e. ‘Anti-Germ Spray’ on a label.
Always shake bottle really well before use and we do recommend wearing gloves when cleaning. Grab a paper towel or cloth and spray onto surfaces, leave for a few seconds then wipe dry. You can also spray directly onto the cloth and then wipe the object.
Do a spot test on the surface to check surface stability - so far we have used this spray on ceramic, stainless steel, plastic and laminex with no problems - but still spot test on your surface first
You can replace the lemon essential oil with any citrus oils like orange or lime
For a 100ml bottle divide the recipe by five
With the essential oils, always work to a 2% dilution no matter the bottle size
Hydrogen Peroxide is sensitive to light so always use an amber coloured bottle.
Avoid using this spray close to children younger than 6 months old. Wait for the smell to dissipate before returning them to the space
Remove cats from the room where you are cleaning until the smell has cleared
You can also use this spray to sanitise your dish cloth. Generously spray the cloth and let it sit for a few minutes then rinse out.
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May you be well!
References | How stuff works Blog | Wikipedia